Bubble Gang is a sketch comedy television show in the Philippines. It airs every Friday evenings by GMA Network. The show is part of the network’s GMA KiliTV block. Currently, it is now the longest-running gag show in Philippine television. The TV program is known for their parodies of TV commercials, politicians and current events.rrFormatrrThe format of Bubble Gang emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed in a manner similar to other variety shows.rrBubble Gang spoofs other shows and commercials, and it also takes on other celebrities and political figures
Bubble Gang is a sketch comedy television show in the Philippines. It airs every Friday evenings by GMA Network. The show is part of the network’s GMA KiliTV block. Currently, it is now the longest-running gag show in Philippine television. The TV program is known for their parodies of TV commercials, politicians and current events.rrFormatrrThe format of Bubble Gang emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed in a manner similar to other variety shows.rrBubble Gang spoofs other shows and commercials, and it also takes on other celebrities and political figures